2019 Spring Benefit Dinner
May 16, 2019 @ 6:00PM — 10:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Hudson Link's 21st Annual Spring Benefit Dinner

Executive Director, Sean Pica and the Board of Hudson Link invite you to join us in celebrating our history and honoring two individuals who have made significant contributions toward achieving our mission.
Dominic Carter, Regional News Network Commentator will serve as the evening's Master of Ceremonies.
Topeka K. Sam, Executive Director of the Ladies of Hope Ministries and Founder of Hope House NYC, will receive the Brian S. Fischer Award, given each year to a formerly incarcerated individual who exemplifies the spirit and values of Hudson Link and is now leading a community service-oriented life.
Madeleine Sackler, an Emmy Award-winning director and producer best known for her documentaries, O.G. and It's A Hard Truth Ain't It, will receive the Bill Webber Community Service Award, given each year to an individual or organization who reaches out with compassionate care to those members of society who have been disenfranchised.
For additional information about this event, please contact Kenyatta Hughes at (914) 941-0794 or email khughes@hudsonlink.org.